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Friday, April 20, 2012

Must Watch Film in Youtube: Human Trafficking

For the past weeks, I've been watching a lot of movies in Youtube not only because I didn't want to spend money to see a movie but also because there were several inspiring and relevant movies that I discovered available online. This first movie that I'll be sharing with you is an eye opener on how human trafficking is done and why it still exists. Another interesting part of the movie is that some of the scenes were filmed in the Philippines. If you've been watching the news and reading newspapers, you should know that human trafficking is rampant in our country. 

PS. If you have watched Hunger Games, you might find someone familiar in the movie. *wink*


Hundreds of thousands of young women have vanished from their everyday lives, forced by violence into a hellish existence of brutality and prostitution. The're a profitable comoodity in the multi-billion dollar industry of modern slavery. The underworld calls them human traffic. This film stars Mira Sorvino, Donald Sutherland and Robert Carlyle.

Feel free to share your thoughts about this film. 

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