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Monday, April 11, 2011

I want to become a Lawyer.

I want people to see me as a woman of substance.

Many women today are content to appear superficial by the way they look, act, dress and speak. But there should be a time that no one should be surprised that a woman can talk and know more than fashion, beauty, movies, romance and the like. The irony is, although women represent beauty (sugar, spice and everything nice), most of us are still being oppressed and discriminated. Moreover, while there is no equal representation between women and men in our government and law making body, there is lack of representation in terms of addressing women issues in the society. And so I agreed to Mr. del Castillo when he told me that, as a woman, taking up law is a great contribution to society especially for women.

The truth is up to now I don't know if I have all that it takes to become a great lawyer. But I have the guts to just do it and give my all. I know that law is difficult and time consuming (ubusan ng oras sa pagbabasa)... but I encourage ever girl who dreams of becoming a lawyer not to give up or be discouraged. After all, law is the "princess" of all the other professions. It is encompassing. And most of all, it is a service to mankind/womankind. *wink*


  1. I believe in women empowerment. Feminism? Nah... The days of man power is gone into oblivion.

    go. you can do it. I was very happy when I graduated Bachelor of LAws last March.I was very fulfilled. (still, I have to face the greatest battle of my life --the bar exams) If you have the passion, you can. Many Intelligent people (those cum laudes and magnas) failed law school because they were not that serious about it.

  2. Thanks Donnarence! And goodluck sa Bar Exams! You have my prayerssss!

  3. Dream big.
    Reach for the stars but aim for the moon.
    Do what you like best. :)

    " a woman, taking up law is a great contribution to society especially for women."

    I hope you pursue lawschool. It will definitely make a difference.


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