


Unless otherwise stated, the products I review are items I have bought personally. I am not paid to write reviews for any product and I don't receive any type of compensation for advertising the same. Unless explicitly stated, I have no affiliation or relationship with the supplier of the products. Please be aware that my reviews about them, whether or not personally bought, are my honest opinion.

NANI+ MAGGIE'S Youtube Channel!


Bon Marche (3) Brushes (2) DIY (2) Eyebrows (4) Eyes (26) FOTD (11) Face (40) Food (24) Hair (18) KKcenterHK (4) LOTD (5) Lips (33) Manels (1) Nails (32) NaniGGie (4) OOTD (13) Product Review (25) Relationship (6) Shoes (5) Skin Care (17) The Pinkish Hub (2) Underarm (1) fashion (8)


I'm a simple girl who wants to make a substantial difference. I love LIFE, MUSIC, ART and PEOPLE. I believe in LOVE. I don't believe in destiny. I believe that future is just an illusion and what matters the most is the present. I believe in myself because no one else will make my mistakes for me. No one else will triumph for me. And so I want to live my life successfully. I want to wake up ready to take over the world. Then go to sleep knowing I did what I could. I don't want to live with regrets. If there's one thing I ought to remember from college, it is the exact words our Theology Professor taught us in Ateneo. "We are the choices that we make. There is no self waiting to be discovered... only a self waiting to be created." Everyday is another opportunity for a new me.. a better me... an improved ME.

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  1. You are one of the bloggers i really would like to meet in person. you seem to be one lovely pretty girl :] down to earth, friendly and an honest blogger. your posts are always so fun to read :] its because of you that i bought my own set of sophiemartin lipsticks too! hehe! Ive been an old reader, but its only now that i actually comment on yer posts :] i think ive read all of you posts even from way way back. stalker much? haha. I enjoy browsing/reading yer blog thats why :[ godbless dear

  2. You're from St. Scho marikina right? It's true that we Scholasticans are really pretty :))

  3. Hi sis! :) I'm having my first blog giveaway in partner with A BONNE Beauty Philippines. I hope you can join. :)

    By the way, I followed you on GFC.You have a lovely blog. :)


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