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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

LTOD (look the other day) ^__^ TEEHEE.

Random Emo Shot the other day @ Technohub.

too sweet

Yum yum. :D

Anyway, here's my LTOD (Look The Other Day) I forgot to post it because I was too busy preparing for Series 63. My exam is tomorrow. This is my last exam to become a Registered Representative. Wahhh. :P

My room is kinda messy. ^_^ hehe.

Anna pouts again. LOL I should avoid pouting but oh well... :)) 
Once my braces are gone, I can smile with my teeth again.

I'm excited. My dentist told me she'll remove it anytime this week. Yey! 

And... I pray that I pass Series 63. 


"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live."- Norman Cousins


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