


Unless otherwise stated, the products I review are items I have bought personally. I am not paid to write reviews for any product and I don't receive any type of compensation for advertising the same. Unless explicitly stated, I have no affiliation or relationship with the supplier of the products. Please be aware that my reviews about them, whether or not personally bought, are my honest opinion.

NANI+ MAGGIE'S Youtube Channel!


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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Best Blog Award

This is quite unexpected but I want to thank JesRoque of MAKEUPLOVE for passing this award to my humble blog. :) very much appreciated. :)

And now it's my turn to pay it forward. :)

The rules are simple:
1. Link back the post to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the following questions:

Favourite colour?
Favourite song?  
Favorite Dessert? 
What is annoying you? 
When you are upset, you? 
Favourite pet?
Black or white?
Biggest fear? 
Best feature? 
Everyday attitude? 
What is perfection? 
Guilty pleasure?

4. Award 7 blogs/bloggers. 

So, I'll begin!

7 Random Facts About ME

1. I dip my fries not in ketchup but in gravy! (and sometimes I dip it in Mcflurry YUM!)

2. I play Piano, Keyboards and Guitar... puede na rin Bass. HAHA! I want to learn how to play drums but I don't have feet and hands coordination.

3. I love to play Horror Games. Playing Amnesia! I hope I could finish this game. :( *brofist Pewdiepie*

4. I don't like PINK. Yes... But there's an exception: PINK LIPSTICK :)

5. When I was younger, I wanted to be boy instead of a girl. YEAH RIGHT! 

6. I'm using Nikon D3100 to take photos. I don't have Adobe Photoshop right now as I am waiting my brother to give me that installer of CS5. :P But I use Lightroom! 

7. When I was younger I thought my two younger brothers were twins. And I have a good basis for that! See photos below! (Don't mind me wearing dresses when I was a kid. My parents dress me like a doll back then. Perks of being the only girl!)

Don't blame me! My mom made them wear the same clothes. Lagi sila terno! from haircut to shoes!

Guess who is older? The one with the glasses or the one who doesn't have glasses? See pati watch nila terno!


1. Favourite colour?

   Moss Green (I am that specific... hahaha)

2. Favourite song?    

Lost in Space sung by Sitti. I Love Bossa Nova

3. Favorite Dessert?

   Blueberry Cheesecake... and I've been craving for this since school started. I   have to time to bake one. :( 

4. What is annoying you?  

Irrational, Immature people...

When you are upset, you?

This is a picture of me upset and hungry at the
same time. LOL 

 I bake a cake or cook food... or the best part is I just eat. :)

6. Favourite pet?

Banker's Photo. I have no photo of Dukee. :(

Dukee and Banker (Pet Dogs ni Nani)

7. Black or white?

8. Biggest fear?   
Losing the people I love... :(

9. Best feature?

 My eyes... haha

10. Everyday attitude? 

 Always do what fears you the most!

11. What is perfection?     

Perfection is the absolute nothingness. Is there such a thing?

12. Guilty pleasure?

Chocolates... :( and Snyder's Pretzel Mustard Flavor

I am passing on this award to:


  1. Thanks for the award! <3 I'll do 2 and 3 as soon as I'm free!

  2. I love to dip fries in gravy too~

    Thanks for the award hun xoxo

  3. I find gravy more delicious than ketchup! :P You're welcome PopBlush!

  4. thanks for the award dear!~ i love blue berry cheesecake too^_^

  5. Thanks for the award! :D I've posted about it <a href=">here</a>. :D

  6. Thanks for the award! Posted about it in this blog post. :D

  7. thanks for the award,sweetie!


    lol at your pic eating while feeling upset..
    i know how that feels!

  8. You're welcome Thiamere! I'm glad you found the career that you really want! Pursue Makeup Artistry! :) I hope one day I could meet you in person and maybe you can teach me how to put eye makeup! I suck with makeup. :( hehehe.


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