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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Would you leave the love of your life or follow your dream? In that circumstance, what would you choose and why?

I don't have to choose. My dream is to be with the person I love. Haha. Whatever it is that I do at present is somehow related to what kind of future I want to be have with that person. So why leave the dream itself? If this is like Career VS Love... I always believe that if we truly love each other, we should inspire ourselves to achieve our goals together and not be separated by them. Maybe that's too ideal for others but that idea works for me. You can never really enjoy a dream without the person you love, right? :)

Ask me anything that is photography/editing related and/or beauty blog related.

1 comment:

  1. I think Career is something flexible and something we make, but meeting the love of our life is not that easily in our control :P

    I would have second thoughts on the choice, if the Love Of My Life was the one making me chose - life partners should support each others dreams to as much as they can. IMHO ;)



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