


Unless otherwise stated, the products I review are items I have bought personally. I am not paid to write reviews for any product and I don't receive any type of compensation for advertising the same. Unless explicitly stated, I have no affiliation or relationship with the supplier of the products. Please be aware that my reviews about them, whether or not personally bought, are my honest opinion.

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dress For Success

Today was a really tiring day. We had a freshmen orientation and I thought the schedule was only from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm MNL. That was the time provided to us during enrollment. Then before the event started, they handed us another paper  as  our schedule guide. To my surprise, the orientation would start from 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm MNL. It wasn't really bad because the organizers prepared a nice dinner to all freshies. But it was absolutely tiring. (Just imagine long lectures on how to survive law school) 

BTW, quote for the day:

‎"Oh... It's true that law school is just a walk in the park. It just so happens to be a Jurassic Park"

Anyway, I'm quite sad with my new class schedule. Initially, my Saturday class was supposed to be until 12:30 pm but when I looked at the final and official sched, they moved one class to a Saturday afternoon. This means I won't be able to attend Clinique Event on June 18 with Charles. :( Bawi talaga ako next time. And I hope I could bring more friends. ^___^

Change topic. 

Here's what I wore today. (Top part only cause my brother "borrowed" the SLR)
[actually, I was the one borrowing his camera but he was so nice to ask my permission if he could bring it to school today]

I was wearing my mom's white lace blouse, pink pearl necklace (Nani's gift from Palawan with LOVE), gray skinny jeans (SM department Store), and a slim brown leather belt (SM department Store).


Primer: TFS Make up Base (shade 2 violet)
Foundation: Max Factor Weightless Foundation in Beige Linen
Highlight: The Body Shop Glow Enhancer -this was discontinued already :(
               ELF Golden Peach All Over Color Stick
               ELF Healthy Glow Bronzer in Luminance
Brows: Maybelline Brow Definist
           Nichido Eyebrow Pencil in Dark Brown
Eyeshadow: Nichido Monoshadow in Maroon (May pagkabrown-ish)
Eyeliner: Nichido Smudgeproof Eyeliner in Black
             Ever Bilena Dip Liner in Black
*I have this weird way of applying eyeliner. -_-
Lips: Ellana Lip and Cheek Tint in Ruby
* Haven't applied product on my lips when I took the picture. hehe

HAIR OF THE DAY: (as always... Nyahahaha... I really need to be more adventurous when it comes to hairstyles. ^_^)

Hair Transformation:

I used the Camelia Seed Oil Hare Care Oil and Professional Touch Mousse. 


And it didn't really stay this way through out the day and night. My hair was still frizzy although it somehow looked better. I think the mousse helped the curl to stay curly all day and all night long. I was happy with the results although I was expecting something drastic. I think I needed more time for the oil to work on my hair- tame my uber thick and frizzy hair. O_O

But still a very happy day. :)

Anywho, I just want to give credit to my brother who is very supporting on my interest in Photography. I posted his picture before but I wanna post it again cause he's been nice to me this summer. 

Here is a picture of him:

Nahhh.. I was just kidding. HAHAHAHA. Peace Gab.

My Brother Gab

Have a great day everyone! :)


  1. LOL! I like that quote about law school and jurassic park! Are you going to law school?? :DD Your outfit looks so cute & proper! (: & I like your hair after applying mousse!

  2. Love your outfit...goodluck with your school:)

  3. your top is lovely (: all the best with law school.

  4. Lovely outfit - I think the pearls really pull the look together!

    Haha, while you had your orientation yesterday, I had my orientation today! Good luck to both of us in law school! See you at the bar exams in (hopefully) four years? XD

  5. i like the classy look! Great white laced top.:)

  6. Do you know where I can buy ear plugs? Corded ear plugs? Thank you. :)


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