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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Would you buy a life-like doll to help you grieve the loss of your child?

It was my first time to post an opinion on yahoo news. If you were reading some of the news, you might be someone like me who rolls eyes and think some of these news are ridiculous. This wasn't the first time I read something really stupid or what I thought was not worth the headline. But when I read this one article in yahoo, I couldn't help but post a comment. 

The article discussed the innovation of a life-like baby doll. Looking at the pictures, I won't deny that the dolls were amazing. I can hardly tell if they were real or not. However, what struck me was the use of this innovation to help grieving mothers for the loss of their child. The mother would "adopt" (she actually buys it) the doll like her own baby. Some experts claimed that this would help the mother move on. 

But I don't buy it. 

Read the complete article here

So without any hesitation, I posted a comment to somehow share my views about this topic. And to my surprise someone replied with a negative remark. She even said I was bragging. BRAGGING ABOUT WHAT? That dolls can never replace a real human being? That we can survive such tragedy without buying this life-like doll? 

I really don't know what happened to the world... I mean it would be helpful if the mother adopts a real child. Why?  The real child can respond to the love and care that a mother gives. If there's any benefit of adopting a doll, it would only give the mother temporary happiness of having to hug and hold an infant. But it all ends there. No sane person would try to imagine a doll emulating the love he/she gave. 

What do you think, girls? Especially the mothers or soon-to-be mothers out there? 

I'm not bragging that I can easily move on after losing a child or a family member. I'd probably cry every now and then but I won't buy a doll to pretend I didn't lose someone. For me, no one can replace them in my heart.

Anyhow, have a great Thursday! :)


  1. and a real child needs a real love from a real parents. you're right lukaret lang ang may hawak ng doll hahahha..they're not helping those grieving people, losing someone is but a natural to human beings like us, grieving is a natural emotion and we should surpass that in a natural way. time will heal and not a "doll" will heal. businesses are killing human's sanity tsk tsk..BTW thanks for dropping by my blog. following you too.

  2. I got your point with this issue and for me this would not help a grieving mother who lost her/his child.. this would just prolong the agony but i understand for those who buy this doll cause they have their own reasons.

    But truly whats happening to our world? we have millions of children out there looking and dreaming to have a mother why don"t we just adopt a love the real one that the fake one:)

  3. This is seriously disturbing. If I were a mom, I'd much rather adopt a REAL child, a living, breathing, child. At least I get to also help uplift the life of an orphan.

    There is no "getting over" a loss of a child. The grief might be lessened but it doesn't mean its gone. The article and the creators of the dolls are sick. seriously.

  4. Not everyone can have another child or adopt one for that matter. Even if you did, nothing will ever replace the child you have lost. I don't think this is odd at all. It would be a comfort and I find it insulting to think someone wasn't sane just because they wanted one of these dolls. The creator is not sick at all.
    Yes there is NOTHING that will make you get over losing your child.
    Only someone who has would understand


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