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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Thank You for Loving Me.

For Filipinos like me, today is a special day because it is our Independence day. It reminds us how our ancestors fought for our freedom against the Spaniards. It is a significant part of our history. But, today, I have something to celebrate other than that. This day marks a year of tears and joy with a special person in my heart- Nani.

The beginning of our love story was not a fairytale. When Nani and I first met, we were both in a relationship. However, we developed feelings that led us closer to each other. At first, it wasn't easy to let go of our previous relationships. So when Nani first asked me to be his girlfriend, I immediately said no because I had a boyfriend at that time. But he never gave up on me. Soon, I realized that the feelings I had for him was deeper and more than friendship too. I knew it was time to let go and move on. It was time to give myself a chance to love and be loved in a way I believe I deserved. I wanted to give myself a chance to love a person and for that person to make that love grow.

Love is a choice. 

It was time to make a choice.

I don't want to talk about my previous relationship because I respect the privacy of the person involved. But all I can say is I never regret choosing Nani. 

I never knew I could be so happy in my life. I never knew I could love so much and, at the same time, be loved so much. For me, there is nothing wrong with being real and true to myself. I only have one heart... and I take care of it by choosing the one that truly makes me happy.

We knew what we had to do. Of course we didn't want to fool ourselves just because there were things that other people were expecting us to do. On that day we had a serious talk about our real feelings and what we planned to do about those feelings. We knew our decision would change not only our lives but other people's lives as well. And that change was full of uncertainties. 

What if we didn't work out? 

What if, in the end, we'd just break up? 

Despite those unanswered questions, I still believed we could make it. All we had to do was to take that once in a lifetime chance to love each other. 

Our first picture together

I am happy to share with you, guys, how wonderful I'm feeling today. This day is special because it is the anniversary of our freedom from our previous relationships. (Ganda ng timing no! Tamang-tama ang theme) A year ago was a beginning of a new chapter of our lives. And that chapter is growing in wonderful pages full of rich memories. 

Well... I'm glad to say that, after a year of hurdles and difficult challenges, we're still together. I would never forget the day I told him I wanna give up but he replied, "Anna, you're worth it." I heard that a lot of times from other guys but it never felt so sincere. When he told me he doesn't want to let go of me just because of other people's negativity, I felt sorry for how I reacted. 

I want to thank him for giving me a happy relationship. It is not perfect. We fight and argue almost about every thing. But we had this common passion about our relationship that when we say sorry to each other, we end up smiling and laughing on how petty were the things we argue about. I don't know if you have the same experience, but I believe we have our own ways of building happy relationships. And I am glad I have found one. 

So to that person who makes (or breaks) my day, To that person who makes me talk like a baby just because I wanna be spoiled for a moment, to that person who smiles at me and holds my hand, to that person who makes the time stops just to be with me longer,  to that person who is honest enough to tell me when I do something stupid, and to that person who loves me so much he still says "I love you" even though he's mad at me.... I want to say to the world how thankful I am to have you.

Thank you for loving my family. I love your family too.

Thank you for always being patient with me whenever I'm so tampuhin and bugnutin

Thank you for being my punching bag just because I'm so mean for a day... or a week. (PMS maybe?)

Thank you for always listening to my complaints even though most of the time, it is not your fault. (papansin lang ako.)

Thank you for saying sorry even though it's my fault and you still want to make me feel better.

Thank you for being my driver most of the time. :( Boyfriend errands... and never heard any complaints.

Thank you for helping me in our family business and making me smile when there are a lot of "pasaway" customers. Your simple presence makes my load lighter and less stressful. 

Thank you for being honest to tell me my mistakes. And you say them in a nice way. 

Thank you for waiting more than hour for me just because I was lazy to take a bath right away and to move my butt out of the bed when I know we're going somewhere. -_-

Thank you for always using your pa-cute voice whenever I call you. It makes me laugh because I know we sound like a crazy young couple. Baby Talks. O_O 

Thank you for inspiring me to cook food... because I know you love to eat. BEHLAT.

Thank you for always reminding me that I'll never be alone because you're with me. (emo kasi ako minsan... )

Thank you for visiting me every so often even though it's difficult to commute from and to our place. 

Thank you for always laughing at my jokes even though they're not that funny. 

Thank you for accompanying me while shopping (or window shopping ^__^) for make up or clothes.

Thank you for giving advice may it be solicited or unsolicited.

Thank you for understanding my frustrations in life... and making me realize I can do something about them.

Thank you for being that person who will take the bullet for me.

And thank you for being mine. HAHAHA. Mine!!!! :P

There are so many things I want to thank for but  I guess words will never be enough.

Forever is not a word I want to use to describe our relationship. I know that is being unrealistic. Rather, a lifetime with you is all I dream and pray to happen. I know you will not let me down despite the many times that I did.

Thank you, Lablab.  

I love you.


  1. sweet. nice to have met you both.

  2. i almost cried.ang sweet ny0.. sana ganito din bf ko, na love ko and love din nya ako..I'm single pero my past relationship??.well hindi talaga kami para sa isat' isa, pero sana dumating na si prince charming ko..hehe..

  3. Aww... This is the sweetest! :)
    Nice blog btw!

  4. :) Thank you, Ladies. :) Nani wore a big smile after reading this. :)


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