


Unless otherwise stated, the products I review are items I have bought personally. I am not paid to write reviews for any product and I don't receive any type of compensation for advertising the same. Unless explicitly stated, I have no affiliation or relationship with the supplier of the products. Please be aware that my reviews about them, whether or not personally bought, are my honest opinion.

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Monday, May 3, 2010

NOTD+ Giveaway + Some updates

My Nail of the Day : Ever Bilena Rhum Spice. It's like a purple-ly silver color. It's really nice.
I tried painting my nails using bright colors like Carrot Cake (near hot pink shade) and Cherry Cobbler but I don't think they look good on my nails. O_o

Anyway, I'm so happy because I received a lot of things these past weeks. Last week, Ms. Locke sent me giveaway items that she posted on her blog. I was really surprised that I got more than I expected. I saw the picture of her giveaway and I believe she only showed the nail art stickers, pouch and three nail polishes. When I opened the package, all I can say is WOW. 

I wasn't able to include the Naive body wash. Boohoo to my cellphone's bluetooth. :( But oh well.. at least I was able to upload and edit most of her giveaway items. :D Again, to Ms. Locke, THANK YOU. 


Another update.

Well, although today is a bad hair day, I enjoyed my work in the office. I really need to study hard because 1.) the company's paying me to study and pass the exam then get a license, 2.) I need to study 22 Chapters in two weeks plus another 2-3 weeks of intensive review and dry runs. 3.) If I pass, I'll be a Licensed US Stock Broker. I never thought my career will be finance-related but I know this is really a great milestone as I pursue my dream to become a corporate lawyer. Yeah.. Hardcore Finance.

See how thick that manual is? :P It's like a Finance book for 1 semester.

I really want to pass the test. I'm so lucky I was able to grab this opportunity because this is something I really want. I never thought of becoming a broker but to be able understand and participate in the US stock market is a dream for me. No, I'm not smart. I'm not even that good in accounting. -_- 

I'll take this challenge with a smile. Even if I don't pass the test, I'm still happy that I was able to qualify and be trained by the company I'm working for. I met a lot of great friends and mentors. 

I'm so excited. 

And yes... just as Rosie Hardy had tweeted the other day, 

" Today's plan...same thing we do every day... Try to take over the world."

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anna~ you're welcome! and thank you so much for including my giveaway on your post =D good luck to your studies and stay focused and happy^_^ xoxo


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