


Unless otherwise stated, the products I review are items I have bought personally. I am not paid to write reviews for any product and I don't receive any type of compensation for advertising the same. Unless explicitly stated, I have no affiliation or relationship with the supplier of the products. Please be aware that my reviews about them, whether or not personally bought, are my honest opinion.

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Iya's 100+ Followers Giveaway/Contest

Hi, girls. I'm inviting Pinay readers to join Iya's contest. Mechanics of the contest is very simple and easy to follow. Prizes are still a surprise but who doesn't want giveaways, right? Let's celebrate with her having more than a hundred followers.  Just read the instructions below. 


COPIED FROM IYA'S BLOG: (Click the link to go to Iya's contest page)

Hey girls! I've finally reached 100 followers and to celebrate that, I am making a contest. This is only open for my Philippine readers only. I'll be having a contest open for international readers as well so don't worry! :)

What are the mechanics?

1. You must be a follower of my blog. Follow my blog if you're not yet a follower. ( I'll be checking if you did follow me )

2. Comment saying " Enter Me" with your Name and Email Address and if you followed me.

3. Let me know what do you want to see in my blog/request/further comments

If you follow these steps, you will entitled to 1 entry

Want more chances of winning? here's how! :)

1. Follow me on twitter @pastelbjacket - 1 entry

2. Blog about my contest - 1 entry

( Let me know if you did these steps too )

So all in all, the maximum number of entry each could have is 3. This is to avoid confusion and hassle on my part. :)

Thanks girls! :)

I'll be using Random.Org to draw the winner

Deadline for this contest is July 15,2011. 

I hope you'll appreciate the prize as it comes from the heart. <3


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