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Sunday, July 10, 2011

I Heart Horror Games

I will definitely buy Amnesia after Nani and I finish GTA III. :) 

Side note: We're on the finale part of the game (GTA III). 

Anyway, going back to the main topic, I love horror games. The scariest I've played was Fatal Frame 1 and 3 and the gadgets weren't really mine though. I've played those games through a friend. BOOHOO! I have no PS2 or Wii for that matter but thank goodness I have my laptop with a really good video card!. Yehey! So when I mentioned this to my brother, Gab, he introduced Amnesia to me. I don't have the installer of that game yet but I'm really excited to play it. However, I just want to clear things up that I am not as brave as what you might think of a person who loves horror games. I rarely scream but that is because I'm too scared to do so. My eyes will just do this---> O_O 

I don't know if some of you like to play computer games too (pc games like Half life 2, left4dead, Prototype, GTA and the like) but this side of me is more ancient than my other side who loves make up and pretty nice things.  

Just to give you an overview of the game, here's a video I watched in youtube (which is supposed to be scary but turned out to be funny because the guy was so damn scared as hell. He's a guy so... it was really funny that he screamed like a girl. Hahaha!) Before you press play, I just want to warn you that you are going to hear him curse a lot (like Bajillion times) in this video. -_- 


And another video of Pewdiepie just because he's so funny...


How about you girls? Do you play computer games? What games have you played? :)


  1. Oh wait haha I just read horror games and I immediately went into game console horror games without noticing you asked about computer games. Sorry. XD For computer horror games, I like American McGee's Alice. Classic! And then there are PS1 emulators that you can play the older Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Clock Tower games on.

  2. This PS1 emulator is reliable and easy to use in my experience: There are helpful installation tips on the site.

    For the games (aka ROMS), I either use torrents or use this site: (eek sorry intellectual property we promise we're not profiting XD)
    Have fun playing! Wag na tayo mag-aral ng cases/laws! LOL just kidding~

  3. Thanks, Dee! Maybe I'll try this after Midterms. Hectic sa Law school ngayon eh (Since day one). NYAHAHAHA! Although I installed Amnesia last night and played a little. :( Bad student. hehehe...

  4. I also love horror games. :D You should really try Fatal Frame 2, it's the scariest Fatal Frame game! The Silent Hill series is nice too, the last one I played was the one for PS3, but I forgot the exact title. (Silent Hill is also my go-to arcade game!)

     My sister also likes this game for the PS2 called Rule of Rose. It's got an interesting story but I didn't like the game controls so I never got into it.

  5. Thanks Dee. I wanna play Fatal Frame 2 cause horror twins kinda freak me out. :P Unfortunately I don't have ps2. :( But if ever I get to meet my friends again and play console games then I will try the ones you mentioned!

  6. I have played CLOCK TOWER 2!!! Scary but I wasn't able to finish the game. I think at that time youtube wasn't famous yet. No walkthroughs. So I made no progress of escape from the lunatic doll. Haha. Anyway, I'll try American McGee's Alice. BTW, Can you pls tell me how to use ps1 emulators???? or even ps2 emulators cause I really wanna play Fatal Frame 1&2. So whenever I'm sleepy studying, Imma grab my laptop and scare myself. HAHAHA

  7. I play left4dead!  At first I get scared because of the sound effects. But my frustration with not finishing the game got the better of me. Wala na akong pakialam sa scary zombies. Die zombies. Die.


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