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Monday, July 11, 2011

What's your favorite nail shape?

I wasn't aware that there were more nail shapes other than round and square. Whenever I have my nails done in a salon, I'd prefer square. But now, I feel like I want SQUOVAL more for my nails.


How about you girls? What nail shape do you like?


  1. All along i thought mine was square i know that it's called Squoval and this nail shape is great for both short and long nails :)

  2. I've always wanted oval nails, but my nails right now are squoval :)

     Please check out my cute Forever21 tools & accessories giveaway !
    (It's my first one :) )

  3. I like my nails to be aligned with the actual shape of my fingertips. I'd have to choose squoval

  4. Yey! Another member of Team Squoval. hmm... I wanna go to the salon asap and get my nails shaped. hehehe. I'm not good in shaping my nails on my own. -_-

    Thanks Jessica! I will join your giveaway. I love the make up brush set.

  5. I thought it was just round and square too! :))


  6. I like my nails in nails are long so it works good on me:)

  7. I like my nails to be aligned with the actual shape of my fingertips. I'd have to choose squoval

  8. I like my nails to be in square shape it goes with my long shape fingers and thank you for the book (The giver) suggestion.

    I'll check it this weekend:) 

  9. I know. haha Good thing I was able to discover that there is such thing as squoval. How about you sis, What nail shape do you think suits you best?

  10. my nails are always short. :( I don't let my nails become long cause they break easily. Good for you that you can have long nails. :) I like square or squoval! :)

  11. No problem! I've been trying to find new novels to read too but it seems that Law books and Case digests should be on my top list for the next 4 years. Hahaha! I have no spare time. Oh well, I hope you will like The Giver. :)

  12. I don't know how to shape my nails too but my nails aren't anything close to these shapes. I always keep my nails short. :) I like square too. I used to request that in the salon whenever I get mani/pedi services. :)

  13. I agree but I want short nails because it's easier for me to manage. Unfortunately, I don't know how to shape nails on my own. :P Hope I can go to a salon this weekend. My nail shape is terrible right now. I don't think it's any of the shape illustrated above. Haha!

  14. My favorite is square, but on my own I do not know how to shape so the result is squoval....hehe almost there....


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