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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ferris Wheel

Just a random post... and a video of me singing Ferris Wheel by Michelle Shaprow. 

Love ko tong song na to kaya napakanta na rin ako. ^__^

*PS. Since my mixpod is set to autoplay, you may pause it first before playing the video.*

Ferris Wheel By Morbidfrank from Maggie Malonzo on Vimeo

Featuring Arnold

The song reminds me of my childhood... so carefree and adventurous. 

 Have a great Sunday!


  1. i wish i could sing like you! :) thanks for sharing the song maggie. arnold is sooo cute btw! :3

  2. aww, love your voice! so cute!~ arnold looks so cuddly too^_^ happy weekend!

  3. Thanks Locke! hehehe! :P Happy weekend din!

  4. Thanks PopBlush! hehehe! ^___^


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