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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Product Review: ABB Nail Lacquer

Have you heard of a mattifying top coat?

I became aware of this nail product when E.L.F released its own mattifying top coat. However, it's not available in the Philippines. I did see some online sellers who carry that product but I find it quite expensive including the shipping fee. So I decided to just let go of the idea. Anyway, I was able to buy matte nail polishes from Etude House. But then, last week, my mom and I went to 999 Divisoria and I saw a nail art store which sells a wide variety of nail tools. I had a hunch that they carry a mattifying top coat so I asked the SA. Unfortunately,  she's not aware of that type of top coat. I was about to leave the store when I saw this bottle (photo image above) and I was really curious about it. I asked the SA again about the bottle and she told me that it's a top coat. Now, usually top coats are colorless or, at least, transparent. I had this intuition that it's what I've been looking for all along. So I tested it on my nails and I was completely blown away. 

It made my nail polish beautifully matte. I love it!

In terms of price, I was able to haggle it for Php 130. It's quite difficult to haggle in Divisoria nowadays especially if you're not buying a lot from one store. Unlike in China, you can really haggle for half the price. O_O Although, sellers can be scary sometimes. Once you have agreed with the price, you can never back out. 

Anyway, unlike matte nail polishes, this lasts longer. I've previously reviewed Etude Matte Polishes and generally, they chip after a day or two. But when I used the mattifying top coat, my nail polish can last for a week. 

What I really like about this product is the idea of being able to mattify any nail polish that I have. I don't have to buy individual matte nail polishes since I can use whatever I want and simply transform them to matte. Hence, it's a lot cheaper to just buy a mattifying top coat. 

Thank you to whoever invented this!

PS. BTW, I heard from a friend that Etude House also released its mattifying top coat. You might want to check that out! :P


  1. i have a mattifying topcoat too, but it's from Topshop. i've tested it on some nail polishes i have and so far i've not yet found one that i like mattifiede. (T_T) or maybe what i bought just doesn't deliver. bummer.

    yours on the other hand looks great. and the packaging looks sosyal too!

  2. yup. I was very impressed with it. I just bought it in divisoria pa. :P hahaha!

    Too bad Topshop's Top coat didn't deliver well. For sure mahal pagkakabili mo don. :(

  3. I have that too! But what I don't like about it is the smell! It smells like paint :/ or even worse?? Hmm, I think I got this for 120?? :)) Hahaha XD Have you tried Etude House's mattifying top coat? I think they already have it in Korea :D

  4. Oo nga Val... medyo harsh nga yung amoy. >_< I haven't tried Etude House Mattifying Top coat but I'm excited to try it soon! :)


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