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Sunday, April 18, 2010

LOTN: Black and White

Hello! I'm so excited because, tomorrow, the company I went to for interview will be officially hiring me (job offer). Well... they told me I'm hired but I need to submit and sign documents (NBI CLEARANCE) to finalize and formalize everything. It is such a great opportunity.

So right after graduation I was able to find work and although I planned to pursue law school outright, I didn't want to lose this opportunity to have work experience. Hence, there had been change of plans particularly my 5-year "life plan". I decided to work while studying in law school. At first, the idea didn't sound good to me because I wanted to graduate before I turn 27. Since I will work, I have to take law school for 6 years (including the bar) instead of 5 (4 year course plus one year Bar Exam). But then I thought, if I'll earn and work my way up the corporate ladder, an additional year of studying shouldn't be that bad. The best thing about this is that after law school, I've already established my career path. All that I'll be expecting is either a promotion or moving to another company which will open me to new and better opportunities.

HAHA, OK enough of the career talk. Tonight is such a happy night.

Mom and Dad bought me stuffs because they're so happy for me. I'm an adult (but still my parent's only baby girl.. eeckkk. Haha so girly. :P)... I can earn money on my own...


Mom bought me this jacket. I can use it in the office.
It looks so Chic. 

My dad wants me to be lady like.

Nah... I'm still a rockstar. LOL.

Well If you notice... My hair is straight... somewhat!

My parents bought me a flat iron. Teehee. It can curl my hair too so it is awesome.
(I tried curling my hair but I don't know how so my hair just looks wavy)
The best thing about it is that I can use it even if my hair is wet. :D

Anyway, have a great summer, guys! 


  1. Wow, you look breathtaking in those photos :D I'm so envious of your looks!

    And congrats on the job :D And don't worry about the extra year of studding - after I graduated I missed studies a lot :( So prolong the experience! ;)

  2. Thank you, Shilka! I'm the one envious of your looks! And height as well. HAHA. I'm pretty small. :(

    :P I love your recent post. :) Go girl!

  3. natawa ako sa last pic eh. o sige ikaw na rockstar. :)) ang cute mo sa last pic haha <3

  4. @Jhumhee: Feeling rockstar lang. HAHAHA. :P


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