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Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Wonder of Curls

I never appreciated my curly hair when I was younger. I was always envious of my classmates who had super soft and straight hair while I had a thick, curly and frizzy hair. And so my mom would always cut my hair short because it was quite difficult to manage. I was so mad that I can't have my hair longer and that if I did, my hair would surely go frizzy ("buhaghag"). I can't even style my hair just like what my friends would do. There came a time when I got angry with my dad because his hair is curly and he is the reason why my hair is curly too... (^_^ Silly me.) I got so frustrated that I forced my mum to let me have my hair straightened.

 I remember it so well. The first time I went to a salon to have it done was when I was in Grade 6. I was super excited. But I never thought it's going to be painful. YES. TOO PAINFUL. The straightening method during those times were unbearable that I even cried while the hairdresser applied the chemical on my hair. When the chemical touched the scalp, my scalp got burnt. Flat iron wasn't popular back then so my hair had to be pulled back tightly. Despite the pain, I was quite happy with the result. I had a super straight hair although it stinked because of the chemicals. Since then, I invested my time and money to maintain my straight hair. From straightening to what we know now as rebonding, I've tried it. From a cheap salon (Where I first had my hair straightened) to David's Salon (which charged me P4000 for a medium length hair), I spent so much for my hair. I was so desperate for it to look naturally straight. But that never happened. My hair was slowly getting weaker. I suffered from hair fall and my hair strands were easier to break. I was so tired to "rebond" my hair for 6-9 hours. I don't have all the time in the world for that. Life was getting busier. I can't iron my hair everyday. I didn't even have a good flat iron then.

Enough is enough. I need to go back to what is natural of me. I'm going back to curly hair.

I was in fourth year college when I decided to cut the remaining "rebonded" hair that I had.

I was afraid to cut my hair short  but I really wanted to get rid of the straightened part of my hair. It's like starting a new life, a new chapter of myself. And so I did. I went to Menage Salon @ Gateway Cubao. When I saw the results, I never thought my hair can be this pretty.

Ever since that time, I've never thought of "rebonding" my hair.

(before my first haircut since I had my hair curly again)

(Second Haircut.. with bangs.. :P)

Chinese New Year.


It has been a year of curly hair. And I'm so glad I went in that salon. I have no regrets. 

Note: I use flat iron on my bangs. I also use hair polish so my hair stays shiny. 

Anyway, before I sleep I painted my nails. :P

Black Lace by Careline Party Colours


Good night! It's 11:22 pm already. *yawns* 



  1. we were on the same boat.

    i also have a naturally wavy hair. i guess you know the rejoice commercial before with it;s famous line na 'mahangin ba sa labas?"...

    my classmates would always asked me that question because my hair is wavy & buhaghag din. i had my hair straightened but just like your experience my scalp got burned & never again did i had my hair straightened.

    if ever i want straight hair i'll just be using
    flat iron..but you know, i got to love my hair..

    As i experimented with different hair products, i was able to find a shampoo that works with my tame & gives it a nice boost while maintaining my natural wave.

    My friends used to envy me saying that i have that 'tousled & sexy bedroom hair' where for me i just call it unruly...LOL

    if you notice most of my pics whenever i post one had my hair untied & wild. it's because i realized that it compliments the shape of face. i guess it only means that God is a good hairdresser & he knows what hairstyles would suit us best...
    my lola would kill me if she learned that i said God is a hairdresser..

    sleep tight,hun!

  2. Oh my.. we real;ly have the same experience. My friend also told me I have a "bed hair look". Haha. And yeah... we just call it unruly. ^_^

    I truly agree that God has given us what he knows will suit us best. Now, every time I straighten my hair with a flat iron, I would think curly and wavy hair looks better on me.

    Haha God as a hairdresser? Puede puede. :P Hooray for Curly and wavy hair look!

    Thanks Thiamere for sharing! Now I know I'm not alone. :P

    BTW, What shampoo are you using?

  3. haha..
    sinabihan pa nga ko once nung hindi kami pumasa sa defense nung high school na ako ang kasalanan e (jokingly lang naman)...because of my hair...
    what the fudge?!

    kulot ay salot daw e..

    hope you'll be able to find your HG hair products,hun!

  4. I love your curls! Good thing that you never decided to have your hair straightened anymore. I, on the other hand, find my straight hair boring. I'm thinking of getting myself some digital perm. Yours looked like they were digital perms. :)

    Lots of love,

  5. @thiamere: I'm so excited to try the hair product you recommended. Weee. I still have problems with frizzy hair. :P Kapag natutuyo ng nakalugay hair ko medyo buhaghag. SO kelangan itali ko from time to time. :P

    @Golden: Thanks! I haven't heard of digital perm. Haha But I would love to see it on you! :) I followed you so I can get updates from your blog. :D

  6. Hi dearie! I'm here again. Thanks for following my blog. *hugs*

    Lots of love,

  7. Thanks for following mine too! *hugs*

  8. Your hair looks absolutely beautiful! Love curly hair and always envy those who own them.

    Btw, thanQ a lot for the sweet comment to me! very do appreciate it!

  9. BABE. ang pretty mo sa picturs. girl crush na kita. HAHA <3 ang cute mo doon sa pic na naka-pout ka. heehee *u*

  10. @Jhumhee: Thanks babe. I wabshu! Haha! Miss na kita. Sana magkita-kita pa tayo! reunion ng St. Frances. :P

  11. I have natural curly hair and it bugged me too. I was so envious with friends who got the straight or just a little bodied hair. (I even have a friend who's got the Biebertude hair) Growing up with curlies isn't easy too - try taking the jeepney and see all that hair go all over the place. By the time you get off the jeep, you are back in the 70s aphro-look. hahaha

    It was tough so I always made it a point to cut my hair short. Some men have issues with curly hair too you know. hahaha!

  12. Alf! haha! I can relate! Lalo na ngayon, pag-uwi nakajeep lang ako. Bonggang pagbaba ng jeep medyo aphro look nga. :P

    "Some men have issues with curly hair too"- Epic line! :P

  13. Oh, and by the way...

    combs and flat brushes don't work for me (the loose bristles are a nah ah! - till now!) I have to pay extra bucks to get the round brushes with tight bristles.

  14. hahaha yeah. That's right. :P In my case... I don't even comb my hair anymore. It's gonna ruin those curls so I only comb the top part (the bangs) and I'm good to go. :P

  15. Hello Tweetie! Thanks for visiting my blog! Like you, I have problems with my curly hair. My hair is thick and frizzy.  It gets frizzy regardless of the weather so I always have to use heat tools and styling products to make my hair look more manageable. I always iron my bangs although my bangs are only wavy unlike the rest of my hair which is curly from root to tip. For styling products, I either use mousse (to hold the curls) or a hair shine product to lessen the frizz. You can check out my styling routine here:  and 
    (I'm using a flat iron that can be used even for wet hair. Never attempt using a flat iron on wet hair unless otherwise provided in the instructions.)

    I posted a video on how I style my hair and I'm currently using Watson's Hair Shine Natural Fusion instead of my V05 Mousse because it's a lot cheaper. :P Anyway, another tip I can give you is to shampoo your hair every other day. Still, use a conditioner everyday so your hair will regain its strength and shine despite the use of heat tools.

    Now, there is a treatment that I really want to try out if only I have the moolah to spend. It's called the Brazilian Blowout. It's quite expensive since it's still new in the Philippines. But it promises to lessen the frizz and loosen the curls of your hair. I've read a lot of good reviews about it but I'm waiting for the price to drop or a better yet affordable alternative to it. Nevertheless, it may be something you want to consider to having manageable curls. :) Just read more reviews and consult your stylist before getting the treatment. :)

  16. hello maggie! i also have curly and frizzy hair. Until now, i still have problems with it. Ive been looking for people like you whom i could ask for some advices. btw, do u always iron your bangs everyday? And is your normal hair just curly at the bottom? Mine's curly from root to tip. :( And what do you apply to your hair to eliminate the frizz? Could I also ask for you daily/weekly/monthly hair routine? Thank you so much!

  17. Thanks Arianne! I'll try to find a photo of me before having my hair rebonded. Yung old pictures ko kasi naOndoy. :(( I started rebonding when I was in Grade 6 until Fourth year college... so I had straight hair almost half of my life. :P

  18. we almost have the same story!!haha my dad too is the reason why i have curly hair.. can i see a pic before you even had your hair rebonded?? please :) i love you hair now by the way 

  19. Hi maggie!!my hair is also curly. anong haircut ung ginawa sayo sa menage salon? balak ko narin kasing di na magparebond, nasa 2 inches narin ung natural hair ko.

  20. Hi, i saw ur video about ukay finds, can you please tell the location of this t
    store? Im from sampaloc manila by the way.


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