


Unless otherwise stated, the products I review are items I have bought personally. I am not paid to write reviews for any product and I don't receive any type of compensation for advertising the same. Unless explicitly stated, I have no affiliation or relationship with the supplier of the products. Please be aware that my reviews about them, whether or not personally bought, are my honest opinion.

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Formspring

Yey. I now have a formspring. I'm really half-hearted about this site because there is this tendency that some people would ask hurtful questions just like what happened to my friend. I'm not really afraid of criticisms but I don't really like entertaining negative vibes.

After having few thoughts about it, ( a number of my colleagues invited me to join anyway) I decided to make an account and try it. I really want to know what other people think of me and what questions they want to ask about me and what I do. My life is not an open book (which is a good thing sometimes) but, as much as possible, I want to share my learnings to other people because that's how I learned. I ask questions to my fellow make up bloggers/photographers on the how-to's of things!!!

I met great friends and even enemies but I'm happy to say that conflicts end well and understanding triumphs. I'm really excited so I hope you visit my account.

For my fellow make up bloggers, you can ask my anything beauty related. I just put in there photography/editing because that is what I do best. I can answer more questions about that topic. Teehee. But I'll try to answer any questions you might have! Formspring me!



  1. i feel like im the only one left who hasn't joined the formspring wagon...

    the reason is also because i see that a lot of people keep asking irrelevant questions...well, i guess it only shows that they are interested but i's rather prefer they just ask me by sending an email rather than flashing the answer for all the world to see...

    but i have to say that it really seems quite fun to entertain such questions from the readers,ne?


    hope you'll have a great week ahead,hun!

  2. Thanks thiamere. Good thing is that I can choose questions that I want to answer. :P The advantage of putting it in public is avoiding the same questions from different people. :P I think you should try. :P I'd probably visit your account often.


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