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Monday, April 12, 2010

What can you say about people taking over the shoulder self-portrait shots with the DSLR?

The myspace angle. Well, I believe anyone is free to shoot on how they want their self portraits to look like. There are certain angles of the face that makes a person more confident to pose and I think that's great. What makes me disturbed is when a person keeps on shooting same angle, same look and same expression all the time. Now that's ridiculous. I think viewers don't like seeing same poses again and again. :P (DSLR: For me, any person is free to use any camera he/she wishes. For vanity purposes or not, I have nothing against it. But I'll be envious because I don't have a DSLR. teehee.

Ask me anything that is photography/editing related and/or beauty blog related.

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