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Sunday, May 2, 2010

If you were to change something (like a trait/ugali, etc) to get the love of your life back, what would it be and why?

Hmm... Good thing I don't have too because we're still together. HAHA. But if there's something I'm improving on to make our relationship better, I'm trying to be more patient and understanding. I guess when it comes to traits, we've accepted each other. I mean... there are things I may not like about him, but that was never a reason to "un-love" him. (not really hate... but something like falling out of love) Same thing with me, he never left my side even at times we dislike each other. However, we need to be more mature so that we can accept the things that we discover about each other everyday. That's the most important thing- to accept- because as far as love is concerned... the one you love is always an exception no matter how many qualifications you try to find from your partner. If you find a person who's trying to change you BEFORE loving you completely, it's not a waste to turn that person down. There are times my boyfriend wants me to change or rather improve on something. But it was never a basis for him not to love me. Whether I do it or not, he still loves me. But then again, since I love him, I do what's best for our relationship. A part of it is never giving him up.

Ask me anything that is photography/editing related and/or beauty blog related.

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