


Unless otherwise stated, the products I review are items I have bought personally. I am not paid to write reviews for any product and I don't receive any type of compensation for advertising the same. Unless explicitly stated, I have no affiliation or relationship with the supplier of the products. Please be aware that my reviews about them, whether or not personally bought, are my honest opinion.

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Giveaway Prizes from Char

Last week, I won a giveaway hosted by Char of Yellow Yum. I was really surprised because I rarely win giveaways! Thank you Char for these lovely Nivea products!

I decided to pick up the giveaway items at Robinsons's Mall and I was so glad my brother, Gab, gave me a ride. 

I shared these with my Mom because I knew how much she loves Nivea. It's my simple way of thanking her too because she supports my blogging. She teases me whenever I doll up. :P  I'm really grateful that Char gave away Nivea products that my Mom and I could try.

Thank you, Char! ^___^

After I picked up my prizes, I decided to treat my brother at Alexei's Diner and Cafe. A couple of my friends recommended this place and I was so happy to finally visit the place. Too bad I wasn't able to bring my camera so I only used my phone to take pictures. You may click the link provided to check out some pictures taken by my friend. 

I LOVE THE CHOCO BANANA MUFFIN! I'll definitely come back here with Nani. 


That's all, folks! ^__^

Have a great day!


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