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Monday, May 31, 2010


Heya, Guys!
Last week I decided to go to a salon and have my hair dyed. I was so nervous because I don't know how it will turn out. But I was so curious on how I'd look like if my hair color is a bit lighter...

Well anyway.. Got my first paycheck. It was temporary because after that our ATM cards were available. I gave my hard earned money to my parents. They deserve it. :) 

(Credits to Menage Salon @ Gateway Cubao)

I kinda enjoyed my straight hair but I'm back to curly. :P

This is it for now. I'll update more after my S7 exam. :P


  1. Hi Anna~ thank you for your, first paycheck! good girl^^ love your new 'do' too.goodluck to your exam, hope you pass^^xoxo

  2. the new color looks great on you
    goodluck on your exam


  3. Love your new do! It really looks good on you dear! Hugs to you♥

  4. @ Rhian: Thanks. Tomorrow is exam day! Pray for me! :)

    @Coline: Good to hear the you love it. I was really nervous on what it'll turn out. I'm really glad I didn't look that odd. :P

    @Greystrawberrys: Super thanks! :)


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