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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hard Stop Dancing

Just wanna share with you, guys and girls, a youtube video of our dance performance last Christmas. I miss my colleagues in my previous work. We're not pro dancers (I think three in the group were really dancers and they're great!) but we really practiced hard! We earned second place which is not really bad. :P I enjoyed dancing! hehehe!

Our dance group was called the HARD STOP CREW from the term hard stop securities! We're a bunch of US Licensed Stock Brokers! And I must say, being a broker over the phone isn't an easy job. We talk to traders, professional or non professional, so we've got a really big responsibility in handling the problems of the company's clients especially when we're talking about stocks. -_- I kinda miss work... :( especially the team I was part of. I miss them. 

yung part ng girls @ 2:15.. bongga entrance namin. LOL

I messed up in the latter part. O_O hihihihi *hides*

Thanks for watching and reading my post!

Hope you had a great Sunday! 

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