


Unless otherwise stated, the products I review are items I have bought personally. I am not paid to write reviews for any product and I don't receive any type of compensation for advertising the same. Unless explicitly stated, I have no affiliation or relationship with the supplier of the products. Please be aware that my reviews about them, whether or not personally bought, are my honest opinion.

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Virtual Store VS Brick and Mortar Store

(click the image for larger view)

Have you ever tried buying clothes online?

(click the image for larger view)

I bought these items in an online store. I've read quite a number of reviews about it. Some reviews are good, some are bad. In that case, I gotta make the verdict myself.

Most Pinays nowadays buy Korean clothes on resellers online. Even I tried to buy from them but I always thought they're pretty damn expensive. I wondered who their suppliers are. I wandered around the internet and found out how high they set their mark up when selling these clothes. It's like paying double, really. 

I wanted to buy these clothes but I want to know where I can reach the supplier itself so I can get the items at lower prices. And I didn't fail. Thanks google! But that's not really the problem. Price isn't really the only factor here. Most of us would buy these clothes at a higher price but for a lower quality. Before,  I'd rather go to Divisoria or Tutuban to haggle clothes rather than buying clothes online with a double markup plus shipping fee.  But when I discovered a website that offers these items at a very low price with no minimum quantity requirement, my jaw dropped. I want to buy online! I gotta try this.

However, I want to warn you that although they're cheap, the quality of the clothes can be either uber disappointing or (hopefully) surpringly satisfactory. It's like a 50-50 deal. I don't really know what to expect. I can't rely on the images or any visual presentation of the clothes because they're simply imitations of the authentic, branded one. 

Well, anyway, I'll make a review and I'll make a resolution on this. ONLINE STORE VS BRICK AND MORTAR STORE. Of course we want to shop in the mall but we can't deny that those Korean/Japanese clothes that can only be accessed online are tempting. 

Anyway, just a quick question. What is your favorite item here? I'm excited about the high waist shorts!


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